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Marketing Investment


The marketing package ranges from photos to photos and videos, which allows the client to pick a customized package which may include photographs of certain products, technologies, interactions, the interior of the venue, and clothing brands. Clients may also choose to have a virtual tour, marketing interview, or a video that highlights a fashion brand.

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Stock Photos Investment


As some clients may encounter issues with findings photographs that relate to topics on their websites. Clients may also choose to incorporate stock photos into their marketing package for their company, to ensure originality and accuracy for the company website(s).

Hours | Elements | Investment

2 Hours -- Photos -- $270

3 Hours -- Photos & Videos -- $450

3 Hours -- Photos, Videos, & Interview -- $600

4 Hours -- Photos & Videos -- $550

4 Hours -- Photos, Videos, and Interview -- $700

5 Hours -- Photos & Videos -- $800

5 Hours -- Photos, Videos, & Interview -- $900

6 Hours -- Photos & Videos -- $1000

6 Hours -- Photos, Video, & Interview --$1200